Center for Individual Freedom


Dear Friend:

"We will not allow churches, homes, farms, and other private property to be bulldozed in abusive land grabs that solely benefit private individuals."

Congressman James Sensenbrenner delivered those words on Tuesday as he introduced legislation to counter the Supreme Court�s draconian Kelo decision -- which perverts the 5th Amendment and allows the government to seize the homes and property of private citizens to benefit big developers.

Last week, we told you that we were not about to take this assault on our fundamental freedom lying down!

And your Blast Faxes are working.  Already 18 Members of the Senate have signed on to Senator John Cornyn's legislation -- The Protection of Homes, Small Businesses, and Private Property Act of 2005 -- that he introduced in the Senate.

That's good news!

BUT we still have a long way to go because I want ALL 100 Members of the United States Senate to co-sponsor this vital legislation.

And I want to publicly EXPOSE those who refuse to co-sponsor this vital legislation.


Use the hyperlink below to send your personalized Blast Fax message to President George W. Bush and the remaining 82 Members of the United States Senate.  Demand that they sign on as co-sponsors of the Protection of Homes, Small Businesses and Private Property Act of 2005.

Tell them -- in no uncertain terms -- that you will view any refusal to co-sponsor this vital legislation as a rejection of basic freedom and a refusal to stand up for regular Americans over the interests of big developers and big government.

Tell them that there will be a reckoning.  Republican or Democrat�THERE IS NO EXCUSE NOT TO SUPPORT THIS LEGISLATION.

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Meanwhile, on Tuesday, Congressman Sensenbrenner introduced companion legislation in the House of Representatives -- H.R. 3135, the Private Property Rights Protection Act of 2005.

And immediately 64 Congressmen stepped forward to co-sponsor the legislation, including ultra-liberal Congressman John Conyers -- the Ranking Democratic Member of the House Judiciary Committee.

However, during an earlier vote on a non-binding resolution expressing the displeasure of Congress over the Kelo decision, 51 Congressmen OUTRIGHT REFUSED to condemn the draconian Supreme Court ruling.

Those Representatives are: Allen (ME), Baird (WA), Case (HI), DeGette (CO), Dicks (WA), Dingell (MI), Fattah (PA), Green, Al (TX), Grijalva (AZ), Hastings (FL), Hostettler (IN), Inslee (WA), Jackson (IL), Jones (OH), Kilpatrick (MI), Larsen (WA), Lee (CA), Levin (MI), Lowey (NY), Matsui (CA), McDermott (WA), Miller (NC), Moran (VA), Nadler (NY), Oberstar (MN), Pastor (AZ), Payne (NJ), Rothman (NJ), Sherman (CA), Stark (CA), Watson (CA), Waxman (CA), Wynn (MD), Ackerman (NY), Blumenauer (OR), Capuano (MA), Granger (TX), Holt (NJ), Kaptur (OH), McCollum (MN), Neal (MA), Olver (MA), Paul (TX), Sabo (MN), Sanchez, Loretta (CA), Schakowsky (IL), Snyder (AR), Tierney (MA), Turner (OH), Watt (NC), Wu (OR).

There is no excuse for refusing to condemn a decision that takes away our property rights that are supposed to be protected under the Constitution.

And -- with your help -- we want to make sure that every man, woman and child in the United States knows that these 51 Congressmen have betrayed the average citizen in favor of big government and big developers.

Please stand with us.  With your support we will hold their feet to the fire and make them feel the heat.


Use the hyperlink below to send your personalized Blast Fax message to President George W. Bush and the remaining 82 Members of the United States Senate.  Demand that they sign on as co-sponsors of the Protection of Homes, Small Businesses and Private Property Act of 2005.

Tell them -- in no uncertain terms -- that you will view any refusal to co-sponsor this vital legislation as a rejection of basic freedom and a refusal to stand up for regular Americans over the interests of big developers and big government.

Tell them that there will be a reckoning.  Republican or Democrat�THERE IS NO EXCUSE NOT TO SUPPORT THIS LEGISLATION.

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Why is it so important to expose the liberals who refuse to condemn the Kelo decision?

Simply put...the Kelo decision exposes the liberals for exactly who they are.

For years, liberals have -- in a quest to expand the scope and control of government -- perpetrated the horrid lie that they support the common man.

But in truth, liberals worship at the altar of big government and the nanny state.  Liberals want more government power at the expense of our individual freedom.

And Kelo expands the power of government in a big way.

When we hold the liberals' feet to the fire on Kelo, we will also expose their true agenda to the American public and win the hearts and minds of the people.

Please join me.  With your support, we can -- and will -- spread the word so that every man, woman and child will know that liberalism is the enemy of �Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness� in America.


Use the hyperlink below to send your personalized Blast Fax message to President George W. Bush and the remaining 82 Members of the United States Senate.  Demand that they sign on as co-sponsors of the Protection of Homes, Small Businesses and Private Property Act of 2005.

Tell them -- in no uncertain terms -- that you will view any refusal to co-sponsor this vital legislation as a rejection of basic freedom and a refusal to stand up for regular Americans over the interests of big developers and big government.

Tell them that there will be a reckoning.  Republican or Democrat�THERE IS NO EXCUSE NOT TO SUPPORT THIS LEGISLATION.

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Our Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves at the prospect that the Supreme Court would allow the government to collude with big developers to dispossess people of their land and property.

We fought a war over 200 years ago to put a stop to this very kind of thing!

The Kelo ruling is a MONUMENTAL POWER GRAB plain and simple -- a diabolical hybrid of big government and big developers, where competition is limited and profits and tax revenues are maximized.

The Kelo decision is not just un-American -- it represents a clear and present danger to each and every one of us.  No home is safe�your home could be next!

If liberals are truly champions of the "common man" and conservatives are truly the champions of individual freedom, Senator Cornyn's legislation should be a no-brainer.

There can be NO EXCUSE for ANY SENATOR not to join Senator Cornyn and co-sponsor this legislation.

Please help me!


Use the hyperlink below to send your personalized Blast Fax message to President George W. Bush and the remaining 82 Members of the United States Senate.  Demand that they sign on as co-sponsors of the Protection of Homes, Small Businesses and Private Property Act of 2005.

Tell them -- in no uncertain terms -- that you will view any refusal to co-sponsor this vital legislation as a rejection of basic freedom and a refusal to stand up for regular Americans over the interests of big developers and big government.

Tell them that there will be a reckoning.  Republican or Democrat�THERE IS NO EXCUSE NOT TO SUPPORT THIS LEGISLATION.

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Yours In Freedom,

Jeff Mazzella

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Center for Individual Freedom
113 S. Columbus St., Suite 310
Alexandria, VA 22314


CFIF is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit constitutional advocacy organization with
the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights
in the legal, legislative and educational arenas. Contributions to CFIF are
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