The Center for Individual Freedom


Dear Friend:

Do you believe the United Nations should have the power to raise your taxes?

Do you believe the United Nations should have direct control over 70% of the Earth's surface?

Do you believe the United States should hand over its national sovereignty and security to the same rogues and villains who brought us the Oil for Food scandal that bankrolled Saddam Hussein and his terrorist friends?

Of course not!

But -- as insane as it may sound -- Senator Richard Lugar, with the backing of liberal special-interest groups and powerful members of the administration, is once again pushing for ratification of the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST), which will allow the United Nations to tax each and every one of us.


Use the Hyperlink below to send your personalized Blast Fax message to ALL 100 Members of the United States Senate and tell each of them in no uncertain terms that American freedom is not for sale! Tell all 100 Members of the Senate that you do not want the United Nations to control the seas. Tell all 100 Members of the Senate that you do not want the United Nations in your wallet. And tell all 100 Members of the Senate that you do not want our way of life threatened by the United Nations or the hostile Third World countries that control the world organization.

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LOST is simply another United Nations power grab, initially conceived and brought to the world stage in the 1970s.

Under LOST, a U.N. agency called the Seabed Authority would take outright control of more than 70% of the Earth's surface and natural resources.

The Seabed Authority would be organized just like the U.N. General Assembly -- each nation would have one equal vote, and the United States wouldn�t have veto power.  That means an organized block of hostile Third World nations would have the power to:

    -- Impose taxes on American citizens

    -- Cripple the U.S. Navy and leave America susceptible to ship-based missile attack

    -- Support rogue nations that hate America

    -- Aid terrorist activity against the United States

President Ronald Reagan not only refused to sign LOST in 1982, but fired the people who proposed it.

At the time, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Jeane Kirkpatrick testified that LOST threatened our sovereignty and interests in the oceans, air and even outer space.

But President Clinton signed the treaty in 1994 and sent it to the Senate for ratification. 

The Republican-controlled Senate blocked the treaty for almost a decade, preventing LOST from becoming law -- and much of the credit goes to former Senator Jesse Helms, who was the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for much of that time.

LOST appeared to be sunk -- but it wasn�t!


Use the Hyperlink below to send your personalized Blast Fax message to ALL 100 Members of the United States Senate and tell each of them in no uncertain terms that American freedom is not for sale! Tell all 100 Members of the Senate that you do not want the United Nations to control the seas. Tell all 100 Members of the Senate that you do not want the United Nations in your wallet. And tell all 100 Members of the Senate that you do not want our way of life threatened by the United Nations or the hostile Third World countries that control the world organization.

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Now LOST is back again!

Last year, Senator Richard Lugar, who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, mysteriously put LOST ahead of other pending international agreements to combat terrorism and rammed the treaty through his Committee in the dead of night.

Lugar held two days of hearings and allowed only those supporting LOST to testify.  Then he called for the treaty to be approved by unanimous consent.  That means everybody voted for it, but no one is actually on record as having voted for it -- a procedural maneuver often used by our legislators to cover their tracks when passing unpopular legislation.

Then Lugar pressured Majority Leader Bill Frist to have the full Senate vote on LOST -- WITHOUT DEBATE and WITHOUT A RECORDED VOTE. 

Luckily, we were able to stop Lugar because many of you made your voices heard and Majority Leader Frist and other Republicans in the Senate -- not wanting to rile the conservative base in an election year -- let the matter drop.

But now LOST is back, and it�s not going to be as easy to sink the treaty with no election around the corner to keep the Washington politicians honest.  So if we are to put a stop to this travesty, we need each and every one of you to join with us and take a stand against LOST!

Paul Weyrich said it best: "Conservatives who want to stop this treaty had better be prepared to be even more aggressive this time. Powerful interest groups�want to have this treaty ratified despite its fine print that would place their fate in the hands of a governing body called the International Seabed Authority and ultimately the United Nations.�


Use the Hyperlink below to send your personalized Blast Fax message to ALL 100 Members of the United States Senate and tell each of them in no uncertain terms that American freedom is not for sale! Tell all 100 Members of the Senate that you do not want the United Nations to control the seas. Tell all 100 Members of the Senate that you do not want the United Nations in your wallet. And tell all 100 Members of the Senate that you do not want our way of life threatened by the United Nations or the hostile Third World countries that control the world organization.

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On the surface, there are some short-sighted benefits to LOST, but there are more -- very big -- catches...

LOST will give the United Nations sole power to issue permits for fishing, drilling and mining operations at sea.  Basically the United Nations will be able to collect exorbitant fees and taxes from companies that want to mine and drill at sea -- fees that will be passed on to each and every one of us. 

LOST will give the United Nations sole power to levy taxes and impose production quotas on mining and oil production.  And because the United Nations will be able to tell companies how much they are allowed to produce, the very next gasoline shortage can and may be caused by a group of rogue Third World nations literally cutting off our oil supply.

LOST will give the United Nations sole power to establish international courts and other agencies to enforce its dictates.  The United Nations will be able to set up "kangaroo courts" to punish any American company that does not comply with its arbitrary rules.

Provisions in LOST mandate that the United States must share certain technologies with other countries.  These technologies could include some of our military secrets.

The special interests wield a lot of influence and throw a lot of money around.  To effectively do battle, we need to flood fax machines and we need to show our leaders that there is a strong, organized opposition.

Let's send the Senate a clear message TODAY.  OUR FREEDOM IS NOT FOR SALE!


Use the Hyperlink below to send your personalized Blast Fax message to ALL 100 Members of the United States Senate and tell each of them in no uncertain terms that American freedom is not for sale! Tell all 100 Members of the Senate that you do not want the United Nations to control the seas. Tell all 100 Members of the Senate that you do not want the United Nations in your wallet. And tell all 100 Members of the Senate that you do not want our way of life threatened by the United Nations or the hostile Third World countries that control the world organization.

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Yours In Freedom,

Jeff Mazzella

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The Center for Individual Freedom
113 S. Columbus St., Suite 310
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