U.N. Monitor Introduction

As World War II drew to a close, the victorious Allies sought a global organization that would protect peace, provide a forum for international discussion and promote freedom around the world. That led to the formation of the United Nations.

Unfortunately, since its founding, the U.N. has too often failed in its primary missions. At the heart of the U.N.'s failures is an irreconcilable structural flaw: because it was formed as a forum for governments, totalitarian regimes were and continue to be placed on equal footing with democracies that represent the will of their people. Many members of the U.N. oppose any expansion of representative democracies as a threat to maintaining their own palaces of power. Currently, of the 191 U.N. members, only 50, at most, can claim to be democratic.

The U.N.'s peacekeeping force is misnamed. The world body turns a blind eye to genocide, escalates its record of anti-Semitism, and has a history of supporting wars of totalitarian expansion while opposing wars against dictatorships. Moreover, the U.N. has become a mechanism for those totalitarian regimes as well as developing nations to press their agendas and undermine more prosperous Western democracies, primarily the United States. U.N. proposals such as a global tax system would redistribute wealth from rich nations to poor ones and strengthen the U.N.'s dominance.

Most recently, the Iraq Oil for Food scandal has highlighted, by its sheer magnitude and audacity, the pervasive corruption that is part and parcel of an organization incapable of internal control. Meanwhile, under the leadership of an aggressive Secretary-General who seeks to significantly expand U.N. power, the world body too frequently works against U.S. sovereignty and threatens the rights and liberties that American citizens are guaranteed by our Constitution.

Whether through ignorance or the false allure of appeasement, too many Americans, including some in positions of national leadership, have come to suggest that the U.N. is the solution to international conflagration. As presently constituted, it neither is nor can be.

The Center for Individual Freedom, through its U.N. Monitor Project, tracks and comments on the world body’s activities, monitors allegations of U.N. misconduct and scrutinizes the organization’s agenda.

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