CFIF Praises Judge Roberts’s Nomination to the Supreme Court

"With Judge Roberts’s nomination, President Bush has kept his campaign promise to select a Supreme Court justice who will put the Constitution first."

July 19, 2005
Contact: Jeff Mazzella

CFIF Praises Judge Roberts’ Nomination to the Supreme Court

Alexandria, VA — President Bush today nominated Judge John Roberts to fill the vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court. In response, Jeff Mazzella, President of the Center for Individual Freedom, a non-profit advocacy organization that has been working in the judicial confirmation arena for more than three years, made the following statement:

“Judge Roberts is an outstanding nominee.

“Judge Roberts is a well-qualified, mainstream choice who will stand up for the Constitution and reject the temptation to legislate from the bench. He has a clear record demonstrating that he understands that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, not an evolving set of flexible guidelines.

“With Judge Roberts’s nomination, President Bush has kept his campaign promise to select a Supreme Court justice who will put the Constitution first.

“Already, liberals and their special interest puppet masters are promising a war. But instead of making the confirmation process a war, Senators should make sure that the process is fair. And it must include a simple up-or-down vote on the Senate floor.

“Most important, the nominee deserves to be treated with the dignity and respect befitting a Supreme Court Justice. Senators should stop the name-calling, insults, and smears that have lately have become too common in the nomination process.

“Senators who choose to make the confirmation process a forum for attacks will demonstrate that they are the ones who are out of the mainstream.”

The Center for Individual Freedom ( is a non-profit, non-partisan Constitutional and free-market advocacy organization dedicated to protecting individual freedom and rights in the legal, legislative and educational arenas. Through its Confirmation Watch project, the Center has been a leader in pushing the Senate to hold up-or-down votes on judicial nominations.

[Posted July 19, 2005
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