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Medical Crisis:  A Pocketbook Matter for Employers
A Report for Discussion on the Campaign Trail

Apart from John Edwards' demonization of insurance companies and physicians, Hillary Clinton's vision of a government run healthcare system and John McCain's slur against the pharmaceutical industry, referring to them as "the big bad guys," medical reform is getting the short shrift on the campaign trail.

In a new report, Medical Crisis: A Pocketbook Matter for Employers, the American Justice Partnership reveals that "[a]ccording to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, even simple reforms would save $60-108 billion in health care costs each year.  These savings would lower the cost of health insurance for employers and enable an additional 2.4-4.3 million Americans to obtain insurance.  That's enough money to fund the prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients and allow millions of uninsured Americans obtain coverage through a refundable health credit."

Medical Crisis highlights a clear linkage between the cost of health care in a state and the nature of the state's medical liability laws, concluding that "[s]tates that have expansive medical liability laws on their books have driven doctors and healthcare facilities out of business through sky-high malpractice insurance rates and predatory tactics of the plaintiff's bar."

Recently, William Large, President of the Florida Justice Reform Institute, a partner in the American Justice Partnership, joined CFIF's Renee Giachino to discuss the report, the crisis in American healthcare, and how patients, their families and businesses of all sizes are paying the staggering costs.

What follows is the interview originally heard on "Your Turn -- Meeting Nonsense With Commonsense" on WEBY 1330 AM, Northwest Florida's talk radio. ...[Listen to the interview here.]

The Center for Individual Freedom is a member of the American Justice Partnership. 

[Posted January 18, 2008]

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