
Kimberley A. Strassel, Wall Street Journal editorialist:

Alexander Hamilton, first United States Secretary of the Treasury:

Bill Gates, Founder and Chairman of Microsoft Corporation:

Judge John Goger, Georgia Supreme Court:

Michael Gersick, Lobbyist for the California Hearths and Home Association on the City Council of Berkley, CA banning log burning fireplaces:

Tony Snow:

Pat Buchanan:

U.S. House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R — Texas):

Charlton Heston:

Senator Orrin Hatch (R — Utah):

United States Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson in his dissent on the 1949 Terminiello case:

Senator Tom Daschle (D — South Dakota):

U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on Pearl Harbor Day:

Adlai Stevenson:

David Blunkett, British Home Secretary:

United States Solicitor General Ted Olson:

Thomas Jefferson:

Edmund Burke:

Thomas Payne:

Samuel Adams:

Former President of the United States Ronald Reagan:

Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, 1960:

Supreme Court Justice William Brennan:

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge:

John Quincy Adams:

Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis:

Douglas MacArther:

Benjamin Franklin:

Ramsey Clark: