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  Confirmation Watch's past time for Daschle to end his hypocrisy and release Democrats to vote on the judges.



Meet the Press Highlights Center's Ad Against
Daschle's Hypocrisy on Judicial Nominations

Displaying the Center for Individual Freedom's "Hypocrite" ad (The Washington Times, May 9, 2003), Tim Russert on this week's Meet the Press asked Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle why he was acting against his own words in leading simultaneous filibusters against circuit court nominees Miguel Estrada and Priscilla Owen.    

"Why not let the Republicans have a vote? You can vote no, but just give them a vote the way you thought they should have in 1999," asked Russert.

For those of us who work tirelessly to defend the Constitution, Daschle's response was troubling to say the least: "Tim, that should be the rule, but sometimes there are, as you know, exceptions to the rule."  

No Mr. Daschle, we don't know.  Contrary to what you now say, there are no exceptions to the U.S. Constitution. 

In 1995, Daschle said on the Senate floor, "the Constitution is straightforward about the few instances in which more than a majority of the Congress must vote:  A veto override, a treaty, and a finding of guilt in an impeachment proceeding.  Every other action by the Congress is taken by majority vote. ... Democracy means majority rule, not minority gridlock."

On May 8, the Senate held its sixth cloture vote to end the "minority gridlock" against D.C. Circuit nominee Miguel Estrada, and its second cloture vote to end the filibuster against Fifth Circuit nominee Priscilla Owen.   As expected, both votes failed to get the 60 necessary to bring these nominations to an up-or-down conclusion by the full Senate.  It was no surprise that, in both instances, Daschle cast 'nay' votes.

What's worse, Daschle and his obstructionist cronies are now threatening more filibusters against other nominees, including Ninth Circuit candidate Carolyn Kuhl and Fifth Circuit candidate Charles Pickering. 

To reiterate what we said in the ad, it's past time for Daschle to end his hypocrisy and release Democrats to vote on the judges.

Unfortunately, it appears some things may never change.

[Posted May 15, 2003]