CFIF Praises Alito’s Nomination to the Supreme Court

"Judge Alito is a supremely qualified, mainstream conservative choice."

October 31, 2005
Contact: Jeffrey Mazzella

CFIF Praises Alito’s Nomination to the Supreme Court

Statement of CFIF President Jeff Mazzella

Alexandria, VA — Today, President Bush nominated Judge Samuel Alito to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. In response, Jeff Mazzella, President of the Center for Individual Freedom, a non-profit advocacy organization that has been working in the judicial confirmation arena for more than three years, made the following statement:

“Judge Alito is an extraordinary nominee.

“Judge Alito is a supremely qualified, mainstream conservative choice. In making this selection, the President has made the best possible choice. Judge Alito has a first rate intellect, legal credentials, and judicial experience.”

“Already, special interests on the Left are suggesting that Senate Democrats obstruct Judge Alito’s confirmation by filibuster. But it’s never appropriate to obstruct a judicial nominee, especially when it’s a nominee to the Supreme Court.

“Instead of making the confirmation process a war, Senators should make sure that the process is fair. And it must include a fair hearing, prompt committee vote, and a simple up-or-down vote on the Senate floor.

“Most important, Judge Alito deserves to be treated with the dignity and respect befitting a Supreme Court Justice.”

The Center for Individual Freedom ( is a non-profit, non-partisan Constitutional and free-market advocacy organization dedicated to protecting individual freedom and rights in the legal, legislative and educational arenas. Through its Confirmation Watch project, the Center has been a leader in pushing the Senate to hold up-or-down votes on judicial nominations.

[Posted October 31, 2005
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