After citing Supreme Court nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s controversial record on the right to bear arms, her position in favor of eminent domain seizures of private property, and her “bizarre opinion that incarcerated murderers and rapists have a constitutional right to vote while behind bars,” Quin Hillyer, senior editorial writer at the Washington Times and senior editor of The American Spectator, wrote that “those aren’t the only issues … that should make Sotomayor anathema to the broad middle of the American electorate.”
Despite the Senate Judiciary Committee’s 13-6 vote to move Sotomayor’s nomination to the full Senate, questions still remain over whether President Obama’s nominee is fit to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Recently, Mr. Hillyer joined CFIF’s Renee Giachino to discuss the Sotomayor nomination and why the fight over her confirmation matters.
What follows is the interview originally heard on "Your Turn - Meeting Nonsense With Commonsense" on WEBY 1330 AM, Northwest Florida's Talk Radio…[Listen to the interview here.]