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Americans Want Fewer Restrictions on Domestic Drilling

Soaring gas prices and America’s increased dependence on foreign oil has a majority of Americans agreeing that the United States needs to increase domestic energy production, including responsible drilling for oil off America’s coasts.  That’s the result of research recently conducted by American Solutions for Winning the Future, an organization that is sponsoring a petition drive calling on Congress to lift the restrictions on drilling for oil domestically.

Princella Smith, Chief Advocate of the Platform of the American People, which is a project of American Solutions, recently joined CFIF’s Renee Giachino to discuss and analyze the crucial issue of domestic drilling, as well as a platform of other issues and concerns which unite a large majority of Americans, regardless of political persuasion.

What follows is the interview originally heard on "Your Turn — Meeting Nonsense With Commonsense" on WEBY 1330 AM, Northwest Florida's talk radio…[Listen to the interview here.]

[Posted June 26, 2008]

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