Take our 14-Question Quiz to test your knowledge of our National Standard.
(Answer key may be found at the bottom)
1. On which one of the following days in 1777 did Congress pass the resolution establishing the American flag?
a. June 14
b. July 4
c. September 17
d. December 7
2. When did Congress officially designate Flag Day a national day of observance?
a. 1777
b. 1818
c. 1914
d. 1949
3. Which one of the following Philadelphia seamstresses historically has been credited with creating the Stars and Stripes at the request of George Washington?
a. Betsy Ross
b. Cornelia Bridges
c. Margaret Manny
d. Rebecca Young
4. How many stars and how many stripes comprised America’s flag in 1777?
a. 10 Stars and 13 Stripes
b. 10 Stars and 10 Stripes
c. 13 Stars and 13 Stripes
d. 15 Stars and 15 Stripes
5. How many Stars and how many Stripes were contained in the American flag referenced in “The Star-Spangled Banner”?
a. 13 Stars and 13 Stripes
b. 15 Stars and 13 Stripes
c. 15 Stars and 15 Stripes
d. 13 Stars and 15 Stripes
6. At which one of the following was the American flag first officially recognized by a foreign government?
a. British surrender at Yorktown
b. Battle of Saratoga
c. On the high seas
d. The shores of Tripoli
7. At which one of the following was the American flag believed to have been flown in battle for the first time?
a. Battle of Bunker Hill
b. Battle of the Brandywine
c. Battle of Fort Ticonderoga
d. Battle of Trenton
8. Which U.S. President signed legislation designating “The Star-Spangled Banner” as our national anthem?
a. Calvin Coolidge
b. Herbert Hoover
c. James Monroe
d. George Washington
9. Which one of the following statements DOES NOT comport with U.S. Code Title 4, Chapter 1, pertaining to the proper display of the U.S. flag?
a. The flag should be displayed daily on or near the main administration building of every public institution
b. The flag should be displayed in or near every polling place on election days
c. The flag should be displayed during school days in or near every schoolhouse
d. The flag may be permitted to touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water or merchandise
10. In which one of the following years did Congress enact a law stipulating that only the number of Stars (but not Stripes) be increased on the U.S. flag upon the adoption of a new State into the Union?
a. 1789
b. 1791
c. 1818
d. 1868
11. In which one of the following years was the first U.S. postage stamp issued which featured the flag as the sole subject?
a. July 4, 1777
b. July 4, 1865
c. July 4, 1957
d. July 4, 1976
12. Which one of the following individuals authored the original Pledge of Allegiance?
a. Francis Bellamy
b. Francis Scott Key
c. James Madison
d. George Washington
13. Which one of the following individuals wrote the music and lyrics to “You’re A Grand Old Flag?”
a. Irving Berlin
b. George M. Cohan
c. John Philip Souza
d. Henry A. Stone
14. Which one of the following is NOT a nickname for the U.S. Flag?
a. Old Glory
b. Stars and Stripes
c. Stars and Bars
d. Star Spangled Banner
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." —The Pledge of Allegiance
Answers: 1(a); 2(d); 3(a); 4(c); 5(c); 6(c); 7(b); 8(b); 9(d); 10(c); 11(b); 12(a); 13(b); 14(c)