Consumer spending accounts for approximately two-thirds of the U.S. economy, so Joe Biden's crushing…
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Image of the Day: "Bidenomics" Crushes Consumer Confidence

Consumer spending accounts for approximately two-thirds of the U.S. economy, so Joe Biden's crushing impact on consumer confidence helps resolve his apologists' confusion over Biden's economic disapproval.  After inheriting an economy rebounding from the Covid shock, Biden's policies quickly drove consumer confidence back downward, where it continues to stagnate.  No wonder he finds himself in such electoral hot water.

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="849"] Bidenomics Crushes Consumer Confidence[/caption]


May 08, 2024 • 12:39 PM

Liberty Update

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Washington's Credit Card Price Controls Will Hurt Consumers
By Stephen Moore
Tuesday, October 03 2023
Why has Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) declared war on credit cards? Americans are in love with paying with plastic.  Perhaps too much so – given that credit card debt now exceeds $1 trillion.  But paying with plastic has become a sort of American pastime – so popular and convenient (especially reward programs that offer cash-back payments, frequent flyer miles and other discounts) that there are now an estimated 500 million to 1 billion credit cards in circulation and close to another 1 billion debit cards. This means there are multiple more credit and debit…
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Notable Quote   
"The United Nations cut its Gaza death toll figures by half, confirming that Hamas officials have been lying for months about the total number of casualties in statistics repeatedly cited by the U.N. and American government as proof Israel is harming civilians.The U.N. Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs drastically reduced its child fatality figures, dropping them to 7,796 on May 8 from…[more]
— Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon
Liberty Poll   

Do you know Democrats who feel their party has moved so far to the radical left that they are considering becoming Independents or Republicans?