In our latest Liberty Update, we highlight how Americans have soured on "Bidenomics" despite Biden supporters…
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Image of the Day: Minorities Prospered Far More Under Trump

In our latest Liberty Update, we highlight how Americans have soured on "Bidenomics" despite Biden supporters' ongoing insistence that voters trust them rather than over three years of actual, real-life experience and hardship.  Well, our friends at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity have highlighted another point that merits emphasis as minorities turn against Biden in his reelection effort.  Namely, they prospered far more under President Trump than President Biden:

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="691"] Minorities Prospered Far More Under Trump Than Biden[/caption]


June 09, 2024 • 10:40 PM

Liberty Update

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361 Mandatory Voting Is Authoritarian

After the 2016 presidential election, I wrote an exceptionally unpopular op-ed for The Washington Post headlined, "We must weed out ignorant Americans from the electorate." In it, I noted that "never have so many people with so little knowledge made so many consequential decisions for the rest of us." My assumption has always been…

362 Progressives Are No Longer Defenders of Free Expression

A half-century ago, progressives used to push limitless free expression, blasting conservatives for their allegedly blinkered traditionalism. They boasted of obliterating once-normal boundaries in art, music and literature to allow nudity, profanity, sexuality and anti-American boilerplate. Now? The left is Victorian – increasingly…

363 Statement on the Passing of Bruce Herschensohn

It is with heavy hearts that we share the sad news of the passing of our friend and Center for Individual Freedom board member Bruce Herschensohn.  Bruce was an extraordinary man who lived a remarkably accomplished life.  He moved so many people as a film-maker, writer, author, TV commentator, presidential advisor, professor, U.S. Senate…

364 The Electoral College, Now More Than Ever

One must read to the end of The Washington Post's editorial, "Abolish the electoral college," before hitting on the real reason the Post's editors want to upend the long-standing constitutional institution. "Mr. Trump's election was a sad event for the nation," notes the Post, "his reelection would have been a calamity."…

365 Trump Faces Critical Choice About His Political Future

Donald Trump is nearing a crossroads. Those who allege that he has endangered the tradition of smooth presidential transitions by not conceding immediately after the media declared him the loser suffer amnesia. When Trump was elected in 2016, the Washington establishment lost its collective mind. The top echelon of the FBI and CIA were still spreading…

366 Dude, Where’s My “Blue Wave?”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D – New York) never has been one whose visage might be confused with Ronald Reagan’s trademark sunny demeanor.   As the dust settles following this year’s elections, however, Schumer has assumed an even more dour expression than normal.  The shock of realizing that a new Democratic…

367 'Defund the Police' and the Damage Done

Remember the debate over the meaning of the phrase "defund the police"? Repeated over and over on the progressive left, it seemed pretty clear – it meant that cities should no longer fund, and thus effectively abolish, their police forces. But some Democrats worried that embracing such a radical proposal might hurt them politically…

368 Against 'Unity'

Political unity is an ugly, authoritarian idea. No free place has domestic political unity, nor should it aspire to it. What "unity" really means, of course, is capitulation. America is once again being subjected to the inane brand of pseudo-patriotic sloganeering we saw during President Barack Obama's tenure. Now, as then, the media will…

369 Will Trump Ride Off Into the Sunset?

I once wrote that whenever Donald Trump exits office, he will likely leave as a "tragic hero." Over two millennia ago, the Athenian tragedian Sophocles first described the archetype in his portraits of an angry and old but still fearsome Ajax, and heroic but stubborn and self-fixated Antigone. In the iconic John Ford Western "The Searchers…

370 Joe Biden, the Luckiest Politician in American History

Joe Biden has faced many tragedies in his personal life. But if he wins the presidency today, he will have been the luckiest politician in American history. 1972: Biden only wins his first Senate race in Delaware after Richard Nixon misguidedly convinces incumbent J. Caleb Boggs, who had announced he would be retiring, to run again. It is also the…

371 Post-Election Optimistic Takeaways

As of this writing, the results of our roller-coaster presidential election and several Senate and House seats remain unsettled.   We can, however, already confirm one positive overarching takeaway with certainty:  That promised “blue wave” never materialized.   If anything, the blue tide receded.  Liberals…

372 A Trump Good Deed Receives Its Punishment

Of all the Twitter attacks on President Trump – and there are thousands every day – one stood out on election eve. It was a photo of a woman sitting with the president in the Oval Office. It read: "Trump leaned in and said, 'You know it's I who released you, don't you? I succeeded and Obama failed.' In the most…

373 Lockdown Joe

The lie driving this election is that President Donald Trump is to blame for the nation's COVID-19 deaths. Democrats are blanketing the country with ads claiming Trump bungled the virus response. Biden blames Trump for 230,000 deaths. Even Andrew Cuomo is parroting the lie. It's Cuomo who has blood on his hands, for forcing nursing homes to take in…

374 The Left Doesn't Fear Amy Coney Barrett, It Fears the Constitution

Nothing threatens the progressive project more than the existence of a Supreme Court that adheres to the Constitution. It's really that simple. That's what the tantrum over Justice Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation is all about. The notion that the same Democrats who shelved the judicial filibuster and now threaten to destroy the separation of powers…

375 Biden a “Uniter?” Please

For obvious reasons, Joe Biden cannot publicly acknowledge the radical leftist agenda undergirding his candidacy, lest he scare the American electorate straight before next week’s election.   Instead, Biden conceals his candidacy behind an anodyne “unifier” veneer as its raison d’etre.   Just keep hiding…

376 Election a Choice Between Rule-Changing and Respect for Constitutional Norms

In traditional presidential campaigns, the two major parties offer contrasting ideas and policies. The Democratic and Republican candidates barnstorm the nation to make their cases. Not this year. Democratic nominee Joe Biden is more or less a virtual candidate, mostly communicating from home via Zoom. He offers few detailed alternatives to the first…

377 The Late Ballot Scam

Democrats and media allies falsely claim that newly confirmed Justice Amy Coney Barrett is poised to steal the election for Donald Trump. Democrats are demanding she recuses herself from election cases coming before the Supreme Court. Otherwise, warns The Washington Post, "the court's reputation will be shattered" and "the public's faith…

378 The Trump Support You Don't See

Washington, Pa. – Everyone can see President Donald Trump's rallies. In the final days of the campaign, he is jetting from swing state to swing state, drawing big crowds to outdoor airport events as he makes his closing argument for reelection. But there are also pro-Trump events that aren't covered in the media. A case in point was a recent…

379 Questions Joe Biden Should Answer About Hunter's Emails

First, Joe Biden's Praetorian Guard in the media argued that the New York Post's Hunter Biden scoop was "Russian disinformation." The DOJ, FBI and DNI each publicly disagreed. No one in the Biden camp has denied the veracity of a single email thus far. Yet, as of this writing, the Post's Twitter account is still frozen, and most major news…

380 Historical Rule Favoring Trump in 2016 Favors Him Again in 2020

In 2016, Donald Trump delivered one of the most shocking electoral upsets in presidential history over Hillary Clinton.   Clinton’s polling lead had remained so comfortable, so consistent and across so many swing states that an overconfident president Barack Obama prematurely cautioned Americans against anticipated claims of electoral…

381 Will Changes to American Life Become Permanent?

The coronavirus, widespread quarantines, an unprecedented self-induced recession, and unchecked rioting, looting and protesting — all in a presidential election year — are radically disrupting American habits and behavior. Rents, home prices and office occupancy rates in major cities, especially on the two coasts, are…

382 Destroying the Institutions We Inherited

In the 21st century, hallmark American and international institutions have lost much of their prestige and respect. Politics and biases explain the lack of public confidence in organizations and institutions such as the World Health Organization, the Commission on Presidential Debates, the Nobel Peace Prize, the Pulitzer Prizes and the Academy Awards…

383 Barrett Will Serve the Nation Well

Senate Democrats are trying to turn the confirmation hearing on Amy Coney Barrett into a political victory for their party, but so far they've failed miserably. Barrett is the poster woman the Republican Party needs to attract college-educated female voters and help close the gender gap.  Though Democrats don't have the votes to block Barrett…

384 What Are Trump's Chances?

Every day, some new poll is published showing Democratic challenger Joe Biden with a big lead over President Donald Trump. Some Trump supporters ignore the news because some of the polls were wrong in 2016. They shouldn't. The polls are real, and there is no doubt Trump is facing a serious challenge. But those polls don't tell the whole story. Recently…

385 Pelosi's Devilish Demands

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump called off negotiations over a stimulus bill until after Election Day. Blame House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's outlandish demands for the delay.  Pelosi has been urging Republicans to pass her $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief bill to "crush the virus so that we can open the economy and open our schools safely…

386 Remember The Riots? They're Still Happening

It wasn't too long ago that the news was filled with reports of violent protests in Portland, Oregon; Seattle; Washington, D.C., and other cities around the nation. And then ... silence. Networks and newspapers are going wall-to-wall with analyses of every syllable uttered by President Trump's doctors as he is treated for COVID-19. Of course, that'…

387 Top Republicans Sound Alarm on Election Chaos

With less than five weeks to go before Election Day, two top House Republicans – Jim Jordan, ranking GOP member on the Judiciary Committee, and James Comer, ranking Republican on the Oversight Committee – have released a report warning that widespread dysfunction with mail-in voting could "put at risk the integrity…

388 The Democrats' Bogus Concern for SCOTUS 'Norms'

For those keeping track, here's a list of Democratic Party "norms" for placing new justices on the Supreme Court of the United States, as they stand today: Norm No. 1: When Democrats are in charge of both the Senate and the White House, they are free to nominate and confirm any justice they please, as quickly as they please, as they did…

389 Biden the “Uniter?” A Brief Review of His Tawdry Judicial Nomination History

So Joe Biden’s latest awkward flip-flop occurred this week, when he reversed a June commitment to identify potential Supreme Court nominees should he become president.   With Supreme Court vacancies suddenly occupying center stage in the presidential campaign upon the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Biden unconvincingly rationalized…

390 Civilization Requires Collective Common Sense

Without common sense in government, civilization cannot continue. After the summer protests and rioting in many large cities, activists demanded a defunding, or at least radical pullbacks, of the police. So-called crime experts often concurred. So some city governments ignored public warnings and diminished their police presence despite a sharp rise…

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Notable Quote   
"The FBI learned as far back as 2016 that Hunter Biden and his partners had plotted to set up a new venture in tax-friendly Liechtenstein that would be capitalized by a whopping $120 million investment from the controversial owner of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings, according to documents obtained by Just the News that have been kept from the American public for eight years.The mega-deal…[more]
— John Solomon and Steven Richards, Just the News
Liberty Poll   

Do you believe that Attorney General Merrick Garland runs the Justice Department straight down the line, without fear or favor?