From our friends at Unleash Prosperity, another fantastic visual aid to rebut the predictable default…
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Image of the Day: Climate Change Causing Wildfires? No.

From our friends at Unleash Prosperity, another fantastic visual aid to rebut the predictable default rationalization that climate change, rather than incompetent leadership, underlies wildfires in California or elsewhere:


[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="874"] Climate Change? No.[/caption]


January 17, 2025 • 07:50 AM

Liberty Update

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Employment & Labor
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# Article Title
1 Supreme Court Rebukes Big Labor and Biden’s Arrogant Administrative State

Last week in Starbucks v. McKinney, the United States Supreme Court continued its lonely but fruitful yeoman’s work thwarting Joe Biden’s runaway federal bureaucracy.   In so doing, it issued an equally important rebuke against Big Labor.   The egregiousness of the underlying facts highlight the modern labor movement…

2 Dictatorial Biden Pushes “Joint Employer Doctrine”

Joe Biden insists that Donald Trump, whose presidency Americans now consider a success in comparison with Biden’s, poses a dictatorial threat this November.   It isn’t Trump, however, whose administration engaged in widespread social media censorship now under review by the United States Supreme Court.   Nor was It…

3 Is the Union Resurgence Real? Does It Matter for Workers?

Unions are said to be having a moment. The story goes something like this: Helped by a presidential administration that touts itself as the "most pro-union in history," labor unions – after decades of decline – are winning big victories against anti-union corporations and extracting impressive concessions for…

4 Michigan Is Headed Back to Rust Belt Poverty

Since the early days of Henry Ford, Michigan was the proud symbol of America's industrial might. But then, starting in the 1970s, things went south – in part because of the might of the unions that ran the state's political machine. That's when Michigan transitioned into the sad symbol of closed factories: the American "Rust Belt…

5 In Julie Su, Biden Nominates Another Incompetent Ideologue

Throughout his administration, everyone nominated by Joe Biden seems to offer a unique amalgam of functional incompetence and ideological extremism.   Take Pete Buttigieg, Biden’s Transportation Secretary and former Democratic Party wunderkind, who likes to characterize America’s infrastructure as institutionally racist. …

6 U.S. Unionization Rate Falls to Record Low

For all the talk of a labor union resurgence in America, the reality is that unions are actually in record decline.   That’s not hyperbole or partisan opinion, that’s according to the federal government itself:   The union membership rate – the percent of wage and salary workers who were members of unions &ndash…

7 Biden FTC Wants to Rewrite Nation’s Employment Laws

In recent years, we’ve suffered an intolerable expansion of the federal administrative state, ruled by unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats staffing them.   Barack Obama illustrated the mentality behind that expansion in 2014, when he claimed authority to impose his agenda via “pen and phone” in disregard of our pesky…

8 Calamity Joe Targets the Gig Economy

America’s gig economy represents a rare unalloyed success story from the tumultuous past decade.  It brought a new universe of opportunities for workers, consumers and businesses, and accounted for $1.3 trillion of the U.S. economy even before Covid.   Naturally, that attracts the menacing gaze of the Biden Administration, which…

9 Remote Work Needs to End

America needs to go back to work. Elon Musk ordered Tesla employees back to the office full time last week. Tesla will "create and actually manufacture the most exciting and meaningful products of any company on Earth," Musk said. "This will not happen by phoning it in." Bravo to Musk for rebuffing the fairy tale that employees…

10 Biden Administration Pushes Destructive Pro-Union Agenda that Workers Continue to Abandon

In the abstract, labor unions would appear to be enjoying a resurgence in public approval.   In the realm of reality, however, not so much.   Superficially, a recent Gallup survey reveals that Americans’ approval of unions stands at 68%, the highest level since 71% in 1965.  For proper perspective, however, it must…

11 Biden Caves to Unions Again, Sabotaging Consumers

From Christmas toys to clothing and auto parts, shortages of imported products are forcing factories to idle, store shelves to sit empty and consumers to panic. What else is in short supply? The truth about what's causing this economic crisis. President Joe Biden, who brags about running "the most pro-union administration in history," won…

12 Biden Is Stabbing Nonunion Workers in the Back

Nonunion workers make up nearly 90% of the U.S. workforce. President Joe Biden is stabbing them in the back.  The massive $3.5 trillion budget bill Biden and Democratic lawmakers are trying to ram through Congress discriminates against nonunion workers and even forces some of them to pay higher taxes than union workers.  Union membership…

13 CFIF Leads Coalition Urging Congress to Support the Save Local Business Act

ALEXANDRIA, VA – In a letter sent today, a coalition of more than two dozen prominent free-market organizations and individuals, led by the Center for Individual Freedom (CFIF), urged Congress to pass the Save Local Business Act (H.R. 3185/S. 1636). The Save Local Business Act, which is sponsored by Representative James Comer (R-KY) in the U…

14 Biden Slaps Another Bullseye on U.S. Businesses

Should American businesses be held liable for millions of people whom they didn’t hire, don’t directly control and probably don’t even know exist?   Under decades of settled court precedent and administrative law, the answer remains an obvious “no,” which accords with most people’s concept of fairness…

15 U.S. Senate Should Reject President Biden’s Nomination of David Weil to Lead Labor Department’s Critical Wage & Hour Division

President Biden, in one of his administration’s most potentially perilous assaults yet upon the nation’s small businesses, job market and economy, has nominated Brandeis University dean and professor David Weil to head the Department of Labor’s critically important Wage & Hour Division, the federal agency primarily responsible…

16 Biden's American Unions Plan

President Joe Biden is traveling to Virginia and Louisiana this week to pitch his American Jobs Plan – also called an "infrastructure" plan. New bridges, safer highways and more broadband are easy sells. But that's only half the story. Biden's plan is a massive and coercive push to unionize the American workforce. Whether…

17 CFIF Launches

Why are UFCW bosses enriching themselves at the expense of rank-and-file workers whose interests they claim to represent during a pandemic? ALEXANDRIA, VA – The Center for Individual Freedom (CFIF) today launched, a project highlighting the unfair actions of certain big labor unions that continue to extract significant…

18 When Finally Given Choice, Workers Abandon Unions

Leftists delight in labeling themselves "pro-choice," but experience betrays the perversity of that claim.  Across the broad spectrum of modern life, they’re far more often pro-compulsion, not pro-choice.  Many of them can’t seem to run their own lives well, but that doesn’t stop them from trying to run yours…

19 Union Coffers Dwindle Following Supreme Court Decision Restoring Worker Freedom

It's amazing what happens when people finally enjoy a greater degree of individual freedom.  Also, we now know why union leaders and leftist politicians fought so tenaciously for decades to deny that individual freedom to captive employees.  Specifically, it appears that when unions must actually receive permission before extracting dollars…

20 Public-Sector Unions Deserve To Be Destroyed

How does a public-sector union work? Easy. First, the state creates a monopoly. The monopoly forces taxpayers to fund those workers, whether they do a good job or not. The union then coerces workers to pay dues regardless of whether or not they want to. Then the union uses those dues to help fund political advocacy that perpetuates their monopoly…

21 Labor Thuggery at the Supreme Court

Organized labor took off the gloves Monday, warning the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court that freeing public employees from mandatory union dues would lead to strikes and union violence. It was ugly. The Court heard oral arguments challenging laws in 22 states and the District of Columbia that force public employees to pay unions to represent them…

22 "Save Local Business Act" Before Congress Can Accelerate Job and Economic Growth

Whatever evanescent controversy happens to induce media hysteria on any particular day in the Trump Era, jobs and economic growth remain the top priorities for Congress, the White House and the American public.  To that end, this week brought a pleasant surprise when second-quarter economic growth registered at a more robust 3%, exceeding expectations…

23 By Firing the Google Memo Author, the Company Confirms His Thesis

Most of the mainstream media refers to the former Google engineer's leaked internal memo as the "anti-diversity memo." Recode calls it "sexist." And Google fired James Damore for "perpetuating gender stereotypes." But in reality, the problem isn't diversity; it's that a senior software engineer admitted, perhaps unwittingly…

24 TSA's Union Power Grab: Thousands Slowing Down Airports

When it comes to public employee unions, there's no such thing as a coincidence. All you travelers stuck in mile-long TSA security lines are pawns. Convenient political pawns. Big Labor bosses want more power and more money. Stranded travelers are just the latest victims in this age-old game of D.C. extortion. Union leaders want you to think the…

25 Hypocrisy: Unions Push Higher Minimum Wage Laws that Exempt Themselves

In terms of sheer shamelessness, it's difficult to surpass modern labor unions.  In one prominent recent example, consider the United Steelworkers' attempt to unionize college football players attending Northwestern University, one of the nation's most elite private institutions.  This week, that attempt finally fell incomplete when the…

26 Overregulated: Obama EEOC Criminal Conviction Rules Creating Catch-22 for Employers

It's bad enough that federal, state and local governments impose new regulations so rapidly that few employers can even familiarize themselves with them, let alone comply with them.  Compounding that problem, overzealous bureaucrats and prosecutors sometimes target businesses and people via statutes bearing no logical connection to the behavior…

27 Affirmative Action for Disabilities? New Federal Regulation Creates Catch-22 for Employers

Here’s a new bureaucratic dilemma worthy of “Catch-22.”  Tragically, it captures perfectly the way in which over-regulation and Obama Administration policy impede employment growth.  On one hand, federal law generally prohibits employers from asking employees or job applicants if they are disabled.  This is what an…

28 Obama EEOC: Employers Who Screen Convicted Felons May Be Liable

“An employer’s use of an individual’s criminal history in making employment decisions may, in some instances, violate the prohibition against employment discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended.”   —Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) memorandum, "Consideration…

29 Unscrupulous: Obama Administration Instructs Employers to Ignore Federal Layoff Warning Law

Imagine for a moment the uproar if a Republican administration colluded with big businesses to disregard explicit federal layoff warning laws for political benefit.  Four years into an Obama Administration notable for its brazen lawlessness, perhaps such malfeasance should no longer come as a shock.  But that is precisely what is taking…

30 A More Perfect Airline Union? Questions for Stakeholders

The airline industry is at a turning point.  With expenses increasing, the industry’s big labor unions are desperate to preserve their old order.  In fact, the situation has become so exacerbated that American Airlines’ unions have taken the extraordinary step of pushing their employer to merge with US Airways rather than allow…

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Notable Quote   
"On Jan. 1, California's new anti-election integrity law went into effect, prohibiting local governments in the Golden State from requiring voters to show identification to cast ballots in elections. Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the restrictive legislation into law a little more than a month before November's historic presidential election.It's certainly not the first time the far-left governor with higher…[more]
— Matt Kittle, The Federalist
Liberty Poll   

Do you support or oppose Elon Musk's DOGE work, including his unconventional and controversial methods?