From our friends at Unleash Prosperity, another fantastic visual aid to rebut the predictable default…
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Image of the Day: Climate Change Causing Wildfires? No.

From our friends at Unleash Prosperity, another fantastic visual aid to rebut the predictable default rationalization that climate change, rather than incompetent leadership, underlies wildfires in California or elsewhere:


[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="874"] Climate Change? No.[/caption]


January 17, 2025 • 07:50 AM

Liberty Update

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Homeland Security
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# Article Title
1 Two Questions About Afghan Refugees

Biden administration officials are proud of their effort to airlift about 118,000 Afghans, plus somewhere between 5,000 and 6,000 U.S. citizens, from the Kabul airport in the final days of the president's botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. But still unanswered are two key questions: One, who did we leave behind? And two, who did we bring out? The…

2 U.S. at Heightened Risk for a Germ Attack But Also More Ready

America hasn't seen the last of killer coronaviruses. China's "bat woman," a Wuhan Institute of Virology investigator who handles bat viruses, is warning that the current pandemic is "just the tip of the iceberg." Friendly advice from a researcher? Perhaps, but America's enemies are watching. They've seen the devastating impact…

3 Amid Coronavirus, a Renewed Appreciation for the 2nd Amendment

Suddenly, the Second Amendment doesn’t seem quite so abstract or anachronistic anymore.  Even the federal government now openly highlights its salience to American society.  This week, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a nationwide memorandum designating “essential critical infrastructure workers…

4 North Korean Cyber Warfare: Focused On Money, Not Missiles

Every time North Korea conducts a missile test, it understandably makes headlines around the world. While ICBMs capable of carrying nuclear payloads might be good for showmanship, however, in truth the North Korean missile program, while steadily improving, represents something of a sideshow in the country’s growing military capability. At the…

5 Nuclear Facilities and Cyber Attack – New Weapons, Old Techniques

Last month, a wave of cyber attacks hit Ukraine and neighboring nations. The most visible outcome of these attacks, and by far the most widely reported, were on the Russia’s largest news agency, Interfax, and Odessa airport. The attacks, though quickly fixed, caused disruption for both organizations. Less well reported was that the attacks also…

6 Allahu Akbar-itis: America's Deadly and Debilitating Disease

"Shout 'Allahu Akbar,' because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers." Who knew hijacker Mohammed Atta's parting words, discovered in his journal after the 9/11 attacks, would become a national punchline? The louder and more frequently jihadists around the globe shriek their signature battle cry, the more fervently multicultural…

7 Hey, UN Corruptocrats: Spare Us Refugee Sanctimony

Another United Nations summit in New York. Another finger-wagging extravaganza. Another useless "historic declaration" (nonbinding, of course) to save the world (by holding another summit ... in two years). As America reels from the latest terrorist attacks by Muslim refugees and immigrants in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota, the world…

8 Outsourcing Security Is Dumb and Deadly

It is not a theory that delegating the protection of our embassy and military personnel to other countries risks lives. It is a reality bathed in American blood. The latest reports on Benghazi released this week underscore the persistent dangers of outsourcing security. By all accounts, the security conditions at the State Department's consular facility…

9 Yes, We Need a Canadian Border Wall

Canada's sloppy, rushed and reckless Syrian refugee resettlement program is America's looming national security nightmare. Donald Trump shouldn't just be promising to build a Mexican border wall. He (and any other sovereignty-minded presidential candidate) should be vowing to rebuild the decimated "wall" of first-line watchdogs, field enforcement…

10 Nuclear Jihad: The Threats Are Inside Our Tent

It's not over. It's never over. After last week's deadly airport and subway bombings in Brussels, the Belgian government remains on high alert for jihad attacks and espionage at its nuclear facilities. One Belgian nuke plant security guard was murdered recently and his ID is missing. Two of the Brussels bombers reportedly spied on the home of a top…

11 TSA: Total Security Abyss

While a TSA agent pawed my hair bun this weekend, presumably on high alert for improvised explosive bobby pins, I pondered the latest news on the Somalia airplane terror attack. Intelligence officials released video footage of airport employees in Mogadishu handing a laptop to a jihadist suspect before he boarded Daallo Airlines Airbus Flight D3159…

12 Vetting Obama's Witless Vetters at DHS

Gaping holes in the K1 fiance visa interview process. Reckless bans on scrutinizing visa applicants' social media posts. Ignored alarms over marriage fraud. New details keep seeping out about all the "red flags" Obama's immigration officials missed in the case of the San Bernardino jihadists. Color me unshocked. The American public and…

13 The President's Speech

When the President of the United States asks the television networks to set aside time for him to broadcast a speech from the Oval Office, we can usually expect that he has something new to say. But President Obama's speech Sunday night was just a rehash of what he has been saying all along, trying to justify policies that have repeatedly turned out…

14 The CAIR Effect: See Something, Do Nothing

The CAIR Effect: See Something, Do Nothing As news of the San Bernardino jihadist shootings blared on airport TVs, I spotted a TSA monitor flashing the now ubiquitous message: "If you SEE something, SAY something." The warning should be followed with a big "LOL" and a winky-blinky, just-kidding emoji. It's one of the emptiest…

15 Mythologizing the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Humanitarian gestures are well and good, but not when they come at the expense of the nation’s security. So it’s more than a little irritating to hear liberals chide conservatives — and the broader American public — that halting the relocation of Syrian refugees to the United States is the height of callousness and un-American…

16 Where Is America's 'Force Protection' from Refujihadis?

Back in May, with ISIS ascendant, the Obama Pentagon ordered U.S. military bases here at home to raise their force protection condition status (FPCON) to "Bravo" amid a "general increase in the threat environment." FPCON is the military's security posture to protect troops, their families, civilian employees, information, equipment…

17 Gitmo Extended Stay America Suites in Colorado? Hell No!

Liberal readers have scoffed at my repeated warnings about the dangerous prospect of an enemy combatant dump on American soil. Over the years, I've flagged the Obama administration's scouting forays in Illinois, Kansas and South Carolina. Now, the White House is considering my adopted home, Colorado, as the new digs for the dregs of Gitmo. If there…

18 America's Reckless Refuge for Jihad

On the anniversary week of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, President Obama is rolling out the welcome mat to tens of thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees. What could go wrong? There's no need to hypothesize. Our nation remains utterly incapable of screening out legitimate dreamers from destroyers, liberty-seekers from liberty-stiflers. Indiscriminate asylum…

19 No Means No: Keep Gitmo Jihadists Out of U.S.A.

Get off that late-summer snooze button, America. The Obama administration is plotting to break a major promise made under oath -- and jeopardize our nation in the name of social justice. This week, top White House officials floated renewed plans to close down Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Pentagon and Justice Department bureaucrats have been powwowing over…

20 Jihad on U.S. Troops Is Not a "Circumstance"

Four U.S. Marines, barred from carrying weapons at naval training facilities despite explicit ISIS threats against our military, are dead in Tennessee. Another service member and a Chattanooga police officer survived gunshots after Thursday's two-stage massacre allegedly at the hands of 24-year-old jihadist Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez. Navy Secretary…

21 New Index: U.S. Military Strength in Jeopardy

Is the U.S. military ripe for reduction and budgetary cuts?  In their justifiable zeal to target federal deficits and debt, various political and opinion leaders - including some on the right - believe so.  According to a new and thorough analysis of U.S. military health introduced this week by the Heritage Foundation, however, that's a…

22 Senate Democrats' "Torture" Report Amounts to Malpractice

This week, a report on terrorist interrogation techniques prepared by Democratic staff for the Senate Intelligence Committee was released.  Although reflexively celebrated by all too many journalists and political observers as some sort of sober analysis of an important policy issue, it actually bears more in common with another ugly media spectacle…

23 A War Worth Fighting: Rand Paul and Chris Christie

Don’t look now, but the 2016 presidential campaign just got kicked off a few years early. The occasion: a characteristically blunt jab dealt from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. Christie, responding to questions during a recent event at the Aspen Institute in Colorado, referred to the GOP’s newly ascendant…

24 Obamites Must Stop Mollycoddling Islamists

All of us should be foursquare for civil liberties. But that doesn’t mean we need to be stupidly, willfully blind about the nature of threats that face us. Please allow some leeway, then, which usually isn’t allowed to (or requested by) good journalists, to mix known facts with educated speculation, to this end: Was the FBI’s failure…

25 Pentagon Has Role in Homeland Crises

Imagine this scenario: Terrorists are emboldened. They have smuggled several shoulder-mounted missiles across the Canadian border, perhaps by boat across the Great Lakes. Small teams convene on nuclear power plants in three different states, fire their missiles and hope for mushroom clouds. No clouds come, but meltdowns do occur at two sites. Meanwhile…

26 Eric Holder is Obstructing Justice with Fast and Furious Defense

The best reason to tell the truth is that it’s too hard to remember the lies.  When the U.S. Department of Justice released over 1,000 pages of internal documents last Friday evening, a charge that seemed unlikely to be proven just weeks before appears now all but certain to apply to Attorney General Eric Holder and his top lieutenants:…

27 Debt Ceiling Defense Cuts Are Ticking Time Bomb for American National Security

For all of the drama that accompanied this summer’s deal to increase the national debt ceiling, the entire affair ended up playing out more or less as business as usual – at least by the standards of Obama-era Washington. That meant an agreement was only secured at the last minute, with the corresponding legislation rushed through too quickly…

28 Obama’s Investigation of CIA Interrogators Has No Integrity

Debra Burlingame is the right kind of citizen activist: a force that frightens politicians in both parties.  After losing her brother Charles, a pilot murdered by 9/11 hijackers who then flew his Flight 77 into the Pentagon, Debra founded 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America.  Through it, she’s pressed both the Bush and Obama…

29 The End of Eric Holder

Liberals in the media are busy commiserating with Attorney General Eric Holder’s decision to reverse himself on prosecuting 9/11 terrorists in federal civilian courts.  To the chattering classes, Holder’s failed promises to civilize terrorists and close down the Guantanamo Bay prison show his pragmatism.  To the rest of America…

30 Chinese-North Korean Axis Heightening Need for U.S. Missile Defense Shield

During his recent trip to Beijing, Defense Secretary Robert Gates declared that North Korea is no more than five years away from being able to strike the United States with a nuclear tipped intercontinental ballistic missile.  With diplomatic understatement, Gates warned that the rogue nation “is becoming a direct threat to the United States…

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Notable Quote   
"On Jan. 1, California's new anti-election integrity law went into effect, prohibiting local governments in the Golden State from requiring voters to show identification to cast ballots in elections. Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the restrictive legislation into law a little more than a month before November's historic presidential election.It's certainly not the first time the far-left governor with higher…[more]
— Matt Kittle, The Federalist
Liberty Poll   

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