If Native Americans of Louisiana originally warned the French against building New Orleans below adjacent sea, lake and river levels, were they smarter than the Army Corps of Engineers? Silly Questions of the Week: September 23
  1. Which would be the greater benefit to the country:  Harry Reid on steroids or Nancy Pelosi on xanax?

  2. If any tree falls in any forest, should we blame global warming or George Bush or George Bush for causing global warming?

  3. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, why was New Orleans jazz favored over Mississippi Delta blues?  Should a commission be named to investigate?

  4. Would Joe Biden or Charles Schumer make the better host for “Survivor:  Rattlesnake Island”?

  5. When the Pledge of Allegiance is banned from public schools, will that cause more or fewer female teachers to seduce students?

  6. If Barbara Boxer were to join the cast of “Desperate Housewives,” whose evil stepmother would she play?

  7. If Native Americans of Louisiana originally warned the French against building New Orleans below adjacent sea, lake and river levels, were they smarter than the Army Corps of Engineers?

  8. If Chief Justice John Roberts of the U.S. Supreme Court allows oral arguments before the court to be televised, will he choose Nancy Grace or Greta von Susteren to anchor?  Will commercials for erectile dysfunction medication be allowed?  Will Variety refer to the nine justices as an “ensemble cast”?

  9. Why do places that must evacuate for hurricanes always seem to have only one road out?

  10. (For psychiatrists only) What’s really wrong with Bill Clinton?

September 22, 2005
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