Is Cindy Sheehan more credible than Baghdad Bob?  Will her credibility with the media be enhanced when she reveals she was abducted by space aliens? Silly Questions of the Week: September 30
  1. If President Bush were to appoint himself to the Supreme Court, would Chief Justice Roberts allow him to take his chainsaw to oral arguments?

  2. Is Cindy Sheehan more credible than Baghdad Bob?  Will her credibility with the media be enhanced when she reveals she was abducted by space aliens?

  3. Should the federal government hire Wayne Newton to entertain drivers stuck in hurricane evacuation traffic?  Should that program be under FEMA or the military?

  4. Why don’t any of the contestants on Martha Stewart’s “Apprentice” look like they can bake brownies?

  5. If global warming is so severe, and getting worse, why are so many rich liberals still buying ski houses?

  6. If it’s okay for the government to take your property and give it to someone else, how do you convince your children not to become real estate developers?

  7. Which would provide the better education for reporters:  a degree in journalism or being publicly humiliated by General Honore for being "stuck on stupid"?

  8. Why can’t hurricane reconstruction be funded through a national lottery, eliminating endless discussions about taxes, deficits, etc?  Would the rich be required to buy more tickets than the poor?

  9. Will public schools provide grief counseling to patriotic students when the Pledge of Allegiance is banned?

  10. Was President Bush’s plea to stop wasting gas merely a ploy to curtail anti-war protests?

September 29, 2005
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