Don’t you wish that Harriet Miers were still head of the State Bar of Texas so she could launch an investigation into misuse of office by Travis County Prosecutor Ronnie Earle? Silly Questions of the Week: October 7
  1. If Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein were marooned on a desert island, would President Bush send General Honore or Michael Brown to rescue them?  Could his decision be appealed to the Supreme Court?  Would Chief Justice Roberts have to recuse himself?

  2. In what year will the cost of investigating government waste, fraud and abuse exceed the cost of government itself?

  3. If two-thirds of the American people believe the press is too liberal, does that mean the other third can’t read?

  4. Name three reasons you believe auditors of Louisiana hurricane reconstruction funds will do better than Enron’s auditors.  Two reasons?  One?

  5. Would there be less confusion between journalists and their confidential sources if they signed reporter/source pre-nups before visits to the Grand Jury?

  6. By how many degrees would the $100 million of FEMA ice that never reached the hurricane victims have cooled the Gulf of Mexico if it had been dumped there?  How many federal, state and local environmental regulations would have been violated by the dumping?

  7. When the Pledge of Allegiance is banned from public schools, will that time be used for (a) chanting against the ACLU, (b) exposing teacher union abuse, or (c) Supreme Court-approved sex lectures?

  8. Are Debbie Stabenow and Maria Cantwell the most likely U.S. Senators to be defeated as a result of their votes against the confirmation of Chief Justice Roberts?

  9. If it is okay for the government to take your property and give it to someone else, could you open a methadone clinic next door?

  10. Don’t you wish that Harriet Miers were still head of the State Bar of Texas so she could launch an investigation into misuse of office by Travis County Prosecutor Ronnie Earle?

October 6, 2005
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