As the virus of political correctness has infected our culture, it has positively overwhelmed the Smithsonian.... The House can and should vote down the proposal for a National Women’s Museum

The Smithsonian’s Museum of Political Correctness

Last week, the U.S. Senate approved legislation sponsored by liberal Republican Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) to create National Women’s History Museum.

Excellent. That’s just what we need. Another politically correct museum. As if we don’t have enough of those.

Of course, the Smithsonian already has museums dedicated to Asians, African-Americans, and Native-Americans, so a Women’s History Museum is the obvious next step.

Inevitably, the Smithsonian’s experts will hire some Susan Sontag-inspired architect who will propose that the new museum be built in the center of the National Mall in Washington, right next to the Washington Monument. (They will argue that women’s contributions to the United States are at least as important as George Washington’s.)

The building will, of course, have to be topped by a bronze dome cast in the shape of a female breast so as to communicate the gender-specific content of the museum’s collection. The secondary benefit of this cutting-edge design will be to place a new dome-shaped architectural focus on the Mall to offset the very passé male-designed Capitol dome which, of course, conjures visions of the male-dominated government and the last vestiges of the male-centric world.

And once the Women’s Museum is complete, the Smithsonian can move forward with completing its collection of taxpayer-funded, politically correct museums. Plans for an Eskimo museum will certainly be forthcoming soon. (We can’t wait for the igloo-building exhibition.) And who isn’t looking forward to the gay, lesbian and transsexual museum. That will be followed by a museum dedicated to exhibiting publicly funded “art” that no one else is willing to display.

Please don’t get us wrong. We love the Smithsonian. It’s a national treasure, just as it should be. It houses some of our nation’s finest collections of artwork, historic relics, cultural icons and all around cool stuff ― from stuffed Woolly Mammoths to Chuck Yeager’s famed X1. This amazing collection makes it the top destination for visitors to Washington and its museums the most visited in the world. And it’s this unparalleled collection that demonstrates the redundancy and pointlessness of a women’s museum. The great and significant works will find their way into exhibits in the Smithsonian’s existing museums, no matter who begat them ― male or female.

But as the virus of political correctness has infected our culture, it has positively overwhelmed the Smithsonian. As a result, the great institution now focuses less on significant history, science, culture and art and more on insignificant minutiae.

It’s time to draw the line. While we’re probably stuck with the museums that have already been built and opened, the House can and should vote down the proposal for a National Women’s Museum. And Smithsonian visitors can vote with their feet by frequenting the American History and Air & Space Museums and spending a day at the National Zoo while ignoring the institute’s pantheons to political correctness.

Otherwise, look for the hot new global warming museum, opening soon.

August 4, 2005
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