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Index: Quotes of the Week

Quotes of the Week: February 14, 2008

Gordon Wozniak, One of Two Council Members Who Opposed the Berkeley City Council's Anti-USMC Resolution:

"To err is human but to really screw it up it takes the Berkeley City Council.  We failed our city. We embarrassed our city."

Kris W. Kobach, Former Immigration Law Counsel to the U.S. Attorney General, Regarding a Real-Time, Working Solution to Illegal Immigration:

"On Jan. 1, Arizona became the first state to require all employers to confirm workers' legal status via the federal 'E-Verify' system. Having survived a federal court challenge last Thursday, the law promises to transform the immigration crisis in America.

"After just six weeks, Arizona's system is already working: Newspapers in the state report that illegals are self-deporting by the thousands. Apartment complexes in Phoenix and Tucson confirm that thousands of tenants have skipped town. Many are returning across the border to Mexico.

"This success is proof that attrition through enforcement works. The premise is straightforward: The way to solve our illegal-immigration problem is to ratchet up enforcement while making it more difficult for employers to hire illegals."

This Week On the Trail:

"For over seven years the Democratic Party has fulminated against the Electoral College system that gave George W. Bush the presidency over popular-vite winner Al Gore in 2000.  But they have designed a Rube Goldberg nominating process that could easily produce a result much like the Electoral College result in 2000: a winner of the delegate count, and thus the nominee, over the candidate favored by a majority of the party's primary voters."

— Ted Olson, former U.S. Solicitor General who represented George W. Bush  before the Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore

"For years, Bill and Hillary Clinton treated the Democratic National Committee and party activists as extensions of their White House ambitions, pawns in a game of success and survival. She may pay a high price for their selfishness soon.

"Top Democrats, including some inside Hillary Clinton's campaign, say many party leaders — the so-called superdelegates — won't hesitate to ditch the former New York senator for Barack Obama if her political problems persist. Their loyalty to the first couple is built on shaky ground."

— Ron Fournier, Associated Press Writer

"Last week, in his ten-thumbed attempt to prevent his wife's Louisiana loss, Bill Clinton said that Obama has made 'an explicit argument that the '90s weren't much better than this decade.' The phrase 'explicit argument' was an exquisitely Clintonian touch, signaling to seasoned decoders of Clintonisms that, no matter how diligent the search, no such thought could be found, even implicitly, in anything Obama has ever said. In his preternatural neediness, Clinton, an overflowing caldron of narcissism and solipsism, is still smarting from Obama's banal observation, four weeks ago, that Ronald Reagan was a more transformative president than Clinton."

— George F. Will, Nationally Syndicated Columnist

"Going forward, Clinton will push for more debates in which she can expose the naivete and inexperience of the untested Obama, while baiting the press into delving into his unexamined life. The latter effort is part of a major theme — that she can better withstand any Republican attack because she already has.

"This is the first known instance of going negative against yourself — reminding people of your scandals to show you are scandal-proof."

— Margaret Carlson, Author, Former Time Magazine White House Correspondent and Bloomberg News Columnist

"[Chelsea] Clinton, the daughter of presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton, said that a return to 'fiscal responsibility,' as promoted by her mother, would be one of the ways to secure Social Security. She also noted that her mom, as she referred to Hillary Clinton throughout the question and answer session, was the 'most fiscally conservative candidate running' and 'the only candidate who tells you how she'll pay for everything.'"

— Judith Davidoff, Capitol Times, Madison, Wisconsin

"There's a battle on the horizon for the future of conservatism. On one side are those who revere unchanging principles, especially a healthy suspicion of government. On the other are those who would refine old principles under the guise of adapting them to new situations -- those apt to see government more as a force for good than a necessary evil."

— Andrew C. McCarthy, Legal Commentator, Terrorism Expert and Former Federal Prosecutor

"The results from tonight's primary elections in Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C., make it mathematically impossible for Governor Huckabee to secure the Republican nomination for president. He now needs 950 delegates to secure the required 1,191. But in the remaining contests there are only 774 delegates available. He would need to win 123 percent of remaining delegates."

— Rick Davis, McCain Campaign Manager

"Among Republicans who said that immigration is their most important issue - 19 percent of the electorate - Huckabee won 54 percent to McCain's 31 percent.  Twenty-three percent said Iraq is their biggest issue - McCain won among them, 53 to 40.  Thirty-two percent said the economy is their most important issue, and McCain won them, too, 45 to 42.  And 21 percent said terrorism is their big issue, with McCain winning 48 to 45."

— Byron York, National Review Online

"The second thing that the media doesn't understand — and I think it's because talk radio is outside the Beltway. It's a phenomenon that attracts what I call the people who make the country work. I don't think politicians and elected officials and bureaucrats and even the media are responsible for the greatness of the country. I think it's individual Americans laboring in anonymity, not seeking fame, just trying to get by, play by the rules, work hard, ordinary people doing extraordinary things. And those are the people that listen to talk radio. And the media thinks that they're all hayseeds and hicks without minds of their own. When in fact, they are totally independent thinkers. And most of my audience is there not because I have Pied Pipered them to where they believe. They already believed what they believe — I just came along and validated it."

— Rush Limbaugh, Conservative Talk Show Personality

"Cocooned conservative establishment snobs denigrate talk-radio hosts for preaching to the choir. But these same critics have no problem using the medium to market their own work. Ask their publicists. The message of the anti-conservative conservatives dissing talk radio: Self-interest for me, but not for thee.

"No need to wait for a Clinton to take the White House. Clintonism is alive and well among conservative talk-radio haters on both sides of the aisle."

— Michelle Malkin, Author, Syndicated Columnist

"One thing Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain all have in common is that they voted to give retroactive Social Security benefits to illegal aliens who committed document fraud.

"Indeed, McCain voted for it before he was against it."

— Terence Jeffrey, CNSNews Editor-in-Chief

"Even before Mitt Romney bowed out — with class, by the way — supporters of John McCain, and Republican Party pooh-bahs in general, were chastising those conservatives in the media who had criticized Senator McCain.

"Those who leveled their attacks at Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and other conservatives who had criticized McCain's record completely misconceived the role of the media."

"Journalists do not exist to get one party's candidates elected or otherwise serve one party's political interests. The public are the journalists' clientele."

— Thomas Sowell, Economist, Author and Hoover Institution Senior Fellow

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