Being Conservative Is No Impediment to Confirmation

"With their ‘yes’ votes next week, some Democrats will restore that principle and prove that ideology is not a roadblock to confirmation."

September 21, 2005
Contact: Jeff Mazzella

Democrat Support for Roberts Proves that Being Conservative Is No Impediment to Confirmation

Statement of Jeff Mazzella, President of the
Center for Individual Freedom

Alexandria, VA — Over the past two days, a number of Democratic Members of the U.S. Senate have announced their intention to vote in favor of confirming Judge John Roberts to be the next Chief Justice of the United States. In response, Jeff Mazzella, President of the Center for Individual Freedom, made the following statement:

“It’s refreshing to see that some Democrats are now willing to set partisan politics aside and vote ‘yes’ on Judge Roberts’ confirmation. 

“Judge Roberts’ is a conservative, but he will also put the Constitution and the rule of law above his personal beliefs.  That should be the primary consideration for all Senators, now and in the future, as they exercise their constitutional obligation to vote yea or nay on a nominee.  Political ideology simply is not an appropriate consideration in the judicial confirmation process.

“With their ‘yes’ votes next week, some Democrats will restore that principle and prove that ideology is not a roadblock to confirmation.    

“With another vacancy on the High Court pending, President Bush must once again keep his campaign promise by selecting another nominee who will put the constitution first and reject the temptation to legislate from the bench.”

The Center for Individual Freedom ( is a non-profit, non-partisan Constitutional and free-market advocacy organization dedicated to protecting individual freedom and rights in the legal, legislative and educational arenas. For nearly four years, the Center has been a leader in pushing the Senate to hold up-or-down votes on judicial nominations.

[Posted September 22, 2005
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