While we strongly support measures to overcome the partisan obstruction of the President's judicial nominees, we oppose any action to limit the use of the filibuster on legislation.

CFIF Joins With Coalition to Correct Misinformation About the Constitutional Option

In a letter to Senate leaders, CFIF joined 50 other national organizations to make clear that while we strongly support measures to overcome the partisan obstruction of the President's judicial nominees, we oppose any action to limit the use of the filibuster on legislation. The letter sought to counter misinformation from opponents of the Constitutional Option who have made it clear that they will go to any lengths necessary to ensure that the campaign of obstruction continues.

Commenting on the issue, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said, "None of our proposals to give judicial nominees fair up-or-down votes would limit the filibuster on legislation or bills. A lot of these television ads you're seeing are flat wrong. The fact of the matter is that nothing will ever prevent 'Mr. Smith' from going to Washington and taking a stand on the Senate floor. And we will guarantee he can vote to confirm or reject judicial nominees!"

April 21, 2005
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